Imagine a world where certain books haven't made their way to Goodreads yet. These books might not be bestsellers or written in English, but they're treasures waiting to be discovered. "How I Became a Surgeon" (in Polish, "Jak stawałem się chirurgiem") is one such gem.
Curated by Prof. Bielecki, this book encapsulates a series of lectures delivered during a regional surgeons' meet in South-East Poland. It delves into the personal journeys of various professors and physicians as they navigated their paths to become surgeons. Their tales are replete with challenges, from the harrowing experiences of World War II to the repressions of communism, and personal battles. Yet, a common theme resonates throughout: the importance of perseverance, clarity of purpose, and unwavering focus on one's goals. After all, the road to greatness is seldom easy.
Prof. Bielecki emphasizes that a surgeon isn't merely a skilled craftsman. A surgeon also embodies the qualities of an internal medicine doctor, deftly blending the art and science of surgery. The attributes of a great surgeon include diligence, problem-solving prowess, a calm demeanor, and humility. Overconfidence has no place in the operating room. He believes that teaching is one of the best forms of learning, and the earlier one embarks on this journey, the better.
Communication is pivotal. Engaging with patients, visiting them regularly, observing, and being open to seeking assistance when faced with uncertainties are all integral to a surgeon's role. The value of a supportive team cannot be overstated – it not only makes the work more manageable and effective but also enhances the likelihood of positive outcomes.
One recurring sentiment among the speakers was the indispensable role of mentorship. The bond between a mentor and a student is paramount in shaping the latter's career. Observing veteran surgeons and exploring other clinics provide insights that are second to none. And the most crucial advice? Never cease the quest for knowledge.
The book poignantly concludes with a touching sentiment:
"When you operate on an elderly man, envision your father. And when you attend to a young patient, see in them your own child."